Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hired & Fired

Wildo had to leave us today. He made it about a week. I have to hand it to him. He was probably the best gay, coke-head, prostitute that the store ever had but he really just didn't know the meaning of inconspicuous. I mean you really don't need to let the whole world know what you are doing... I really kinda dug the guy. He didn't even know me and he would call me sweety and honey and he would ask for hugs. I remember just a few nights ago Wildo asked me to help him pick out a gay porn. I of course told him I'm not very good at that sort of thing and I thought he was big enough to pick out his own movie. I mean we had very deep conversations, like the time he asked me if I thought he was a slut... He really had to ruin it all by telling everyone how much drugs he does and what not. I wonder if Wildo will be able to turn any tricks from the unemployment line. I really do wish the best for ole Wildo.
Well I guess I'm just going to have to cope with the loss of our new fruity man-hooker and wait and see what kinda trash we get next.


  1. Damn, now where am I gonna rent myself a nice twink?

  2. Well he's still in buisness. you just can't purches him at my store.
    we are all gonna miss him.
